what is ventilator in hospital

1 year ago 99

A ventilator is a machine that helps a person breathe or takes over the breathing process entirely. It is also known as a breathing machine, respirator, or life support machine. Ventilators are most often used in hospital settings, particularly in intensive care units for patients who cannot breathe on their own. They can be a lifesaving machine if a person has a condition that makes it hard for them to breathe properly. A doctor or respiratory therapist controls how much oxygen is pushed into the lungs by the ventilator. The machine typically blows air in for one second, then pauses for roughly three seconds to allow the patient to exhale, then repeats for as long as the machine is in use. Ventilators regulate the pressure, humidity, volume, and temperature of the air, depending on the controls that a doctor or respiratory therapist places. Ventilators can be used for a short time, such as hours, days, or weeks, or for longer periods, such as months or even years.