what is vps used for

11 months ago 23

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtual machine that provides virtualized server resources on a physical server that is shared with other users. VPS hosting uses virtualization technology to split a single physical machine into multiple private server environments that share the resources. A VPS is typically used for smaller workloads that need consistent performance, and businesses may use a VPS for:

  • Launching web applications
  • Providing secondary storage for data files
  • Hosting email servers
  • Running CRM software
  • Running eCommerce websites

A VPS offers levels of performance, flexibility, and control somewhere between those offered by multi-tenant shared hosting and single-tenant dedicated hosting. It is a good fit for eCommerce, apps that have moderate or spiky traffic, email servers, and CRM. A VPS is commonly understood as a single, private server environment that is created on a host, server, or cluster of servers.