what is water pollution for kids

11 months ago 23

Water pollution is when harmful substances, chemicals, or other particles enter a body of water, such as rivers, oceans, lakes, and ponds, and contaminate it. Water pollution can come from many sources, including human activity, such as sewage, pesticides, and fertilizers from farms, waste water and chemicals from factories, silt from construction sites, and trash from people littering. Oil spills are also a significant cause of water pollution. Water pollution can have disastrous effects on the environment, such as killing fish and other animals, and can even make the water unusable for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and swimming. Some bacteria and pathogens in polluted water can make people sick, and in some cases, even cause death. Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of polluted water. Here are some things kids can do to help prevent water pollution:

  • Save water: Fresh and clean water is a precious resource. Dont waste it! Take shorter showers, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, and fix any leaks in your home.

  • Dont litter: Always throw your trash in the proper place, and never litter in bodies of water.

  • Use fewer chemicals: Try to use fewer chemicals in your home and garden, and dispose of them properly.

  • Get involved: Join a local group that works to protect water sources in your community, and learn more about how you can help prevent water pollution.