what is wazir in chess

11 months ago 34

In chess, the wazir or vazir is a fairy chess piece that moves a single square vertically or horizontally). It is represented by an inverted rook and given the symbol W in notation). The name wazīr (vazir) means "minister" in several West and South Asian languages and is found in English as vizier). The wazir is a very old piece, appearing in some very early chess variants, such as Tamerlane chess). The wazir is not much more powerful than a pawn, but as an additional power to other pieces, it is worth about half a knight). Three wazirs and a king can force checkmate on a bare king, but not easily; two wazirs and a king can force stalemate on a bare king, but not easily). The endgame of rook versus wazir is a win for the rook except in two drawing fortress positions for the wazir).