what is wrong with king george the iii in bridgerton

11 months ago 34

In the Netflix series "Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story," King George III is portrayed as struggling with his mental health. The real King George III, on whom the character is based, is famously known for being "mad" and may have struggled with bipolar disorder, according to more recent research. In 1788, King George III suffered from an illness that caused his behavior to spiral out of control. He suffered from hallucinations, spoke gibberish, made inappropriate advances toward women, and had violent convulsions that were so bad that servants had to pin him to the ground to keep him from hurting himself. The exact diagnosis of King George III has never been determined, although there has been plenty of speculation over the years as to the cause of his erratic behavior, which was characterized by episodes of agitation, rambling, and hypersexuality. Some modern diagnosticians retrospectively concluded that George III had a physical, genetic, liver-based disease, but that theory has been largely discredited.