what it takes to be number one

11 months ago 23

"What it takes to be number one" is a phrase coined by Vince Lombardi, a legendary American football coach. Lombardi believed that winning was not a sometime thing, but an all the time thing, and that there is no room for second place. To be number one, Lombardi emphasized the following qualities:

  • Dedication: Winning requires a commitment to excellence and a willingness to put in the hard work and effort required to achieve success.

  • Discipline: Lombardi believed that discipline was essential to success, and that it required a strict adherence to rules and standards.

  • Focus: To be number one, Lombardi believed that you must have a clear and unwavering focus on your goals, and that you must be willing to make sacrifices to achieve them.

  • Passion: Lombardi believed that passion was essential to success, and that you must have a burning desire to win in order to be number one.

Overall, Lombardi believed that being number one required a relentless pursuit of excellence, a refusal to accept anything less than the best, and a commitment to winning that extended beyond the playing field.