what kills frogs instantly

11 months ago 22

It is not ethical to kill frogs instantly. However, some substances can kill frogs quickly, but they are not humane and can harm the environment. Here are some ways to repel or get rid of frogs without killing them:

  • Use natural repellants: There are a few natural substances that effectively kill frogs or repel them from the area. Try using one of these substances before resorting to a chemical spray, since chemical sprays tend to kill the frogs slowly. Organic sprays tend to do the job more quickly and are more humane. For example, you can spray the frogs with citric acid, which should kill them almost immediately.

  • Kill the insects on your property: Since flies, mosquitoes, and other insects are the primary food source for frogs, killing the bugs will deter frogs from coming to your yard. Use a bug zapper or spray organic insecticides. Many chemical insecticides will also kill the frogs, but most organic insecticides do not have that effect.

  • Use repellent sprays: There are some sprays that can repel frogs without harming them. For example, you can use Pine oil on your windows, shutters, and outside lights where they love to hang out. It will keep them at bay without killing them.

It is important to note that killing frogs is not a humane solution and can harm the environment. Instead, try to repel or deter them from your property using the methods mentioned above.