what kills parasites

11 months ago 20

There are several ways to kill parasites, including natural remedies, conventional medical treatments, and antiparasitic drugs. Here are some methods that may help:

Natural remedies:

  • Garlic, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, beets, and carrots have been traditionally used to kill parasites.
  • Papaya seeds, black walnut, wormwood, berberine, and probiotic-rich foods like kefir and sauerkraut are also commonly used in parasite cleanses.
  • Some natural health practitioners recommend cleansing human parasite infections with herbal supplements, such as anise, barberry, goldenseal, grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil, and wormwood.

Conventional medical treatments:

  • Conventional medical treatments can get rid of parasites more quickly and with fewer side effects than most alternative treatments.
  • Your doctor must find out what kind of organism is causing your problems before you start treatment.

Antiparasitic drugs:

  • Anthelminthic drugs act against parasitic worms as either vermicides or vermifuges. Vermicides act by killing the worms, whereas vermifuges help expel the worms, usually in their live state.
  • Albendazole is a drug of choice for most infections caused by nematodes (roundworms) .

It is important to note that many of the herbs used to treat intestinal parasites have toxic side effects or interfere with other medications. Therefore, it is recommended to use them only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. Additionally, there is little research on whether commercial parasite cleanses are useful, and many of the people who try these products likely do not have a parasitic infection. If you suspect you have a parasitic infection, it is best to speak to a doctor to determine the best course of treatment.