what lowers testosterone levels

1 year ago 112

There are several factors that can lower testosterone levels, including:

  • Excess weight: Being overweight or obese can lower testosterone levels.

  • Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can also lower testosterone levels.

  • Hair-loss treatments: Some hair-loss treatments, such as finasteride, can lower testosterone levels.

  • Certain foods: Some foods have been claimed to lower testosterone levels, including mint, licorice root, flaxseed, trans fats, alcohol, soy products, nuts, fish, spearmint tea, red reishi mushrooms, and refined carbohydrates.

  • Alcohol consumption: Drinking alcohol, especially excessively and over the long-term, can lower testosterone levels.

  • Substance and drug abuse: Substance and drug abuse, such as alcohol, opioids, and anabolic-androgenic steroids, can affect testosterone production and interfere with testosterone levels.

  • Smoking: Smoking can negatively affect overall health and diminish testosterone levels.

Its important to note that while many factors are involved in the regulation of testosterone, a healthy diet and lifestyle are key to keeping its levels in check and preventing them from dropping too low. If you're concerned about low testosterone levels, it's important to talk to your doctor about your concerns and get your testosterone levels checked.