what metabolic activities are happening during interphase

11 months ago 37

Interphase is the metabolic phase of the cell cycle, where the cell obtains nutrients and metabolizes them, grows, replicates its DNA in preparation for mitosis, and conducts other "normal" cell functions. During interphase, the cell undergoes normal growth processes while also preparing for cell division/10%3A_Cell_Reproduction/10.02%3A_The_Cell_Cycle/10.2A%3A_Interphase). Interphase is divided into three stages: G1, S, and G2. Many events need to occur in interphase to prepare the cell for successful division, including:

  • DNA replication: DNA is copied during the S phase of interphase/10%3A_Cell_Reproduction/10.02%3A_The_Cell_Cycle/10.2A%3A_Interphase).
  • Organelle duplication: Organelles must be duplicated for twin daughter cells.
  • Cell growth: Cytoplasmic volume must increase prior to division/10%3A_Cell_Reproduction/10.02%3A_The_Cell_Cycle/10.2A%3A_Interphase).
  • Transcription / translation: Key proteins and enzymes must be synthesized.
  • Obtain nutrients: Vital cellular materials must be present before division.
  • Respiration (cellular): ATP production is needed to drive the division process.

During the G1 phase, the cell grows and carries out biochemical functions, such as protein synthesis/10%3A_Cell_Reproduction/10.02%3A_The_Cell_Cycle/10.2A%3A_Interphase). In the S phase, DNA is duplicated into two sister chromatids, and centrosomes, which give rise to the mitotic spindle, are also replicated/10%3A_Cell_Reproduction/10.02%3A_The_Cell_Cycle/10.2A%3A_Interphase). In the G2 phase, energy is replenished, new proteins are synthesized, the cytoskeleton is dismantled, and additional growth occurs/10%3A_Cell_Reproduction/10.02%3A_The_Cell_Cycle/10.2A%3A_Interphase).