what muscles does arm wrestling use

11 months ago 16

Arm wrestling involves the primary use of several muscles in the upper body, including the arms, shoulders, and back. The following muscles are used in arm wrestling:

  • Biceps brachii: This muscle group is responsible for flexing the elbow and rotating the arm. It is heavily stimulated and tested during an arm wrestle.

  • Triceps brachii: This muscle group is responsible for extending the elbow and is also crucial for generating the power needed to win an arm wrestling match.

  • Pronator teres: This muscle is located in the forearm and is responsible for rotating the forearm so that the palm faces down.

  • Flexor carpi ulnaris: This muscle is also located in the forearm and is responsible for flexing the wrist.

  • Deltoid: This muscle is located in the shoulder and is responsible for lifting the arm.

  • Latissimus dorsi: This muscle is located in the back and is responsible for pulling the arm down and towards the body.

  • Forearm muscles: The muscles in the forearms, including the flexors and extensors, are responsible for flexing and extending the wrist and fingers. These muscles help to provide grip strength and control during the arm wrestling match.

Overall, arm wrestling requires a combination of strength and control in the upper body muscles. Building up the strength and endurance of these muscles through exercises like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and wrist curls can help improve arm wrestling performance.