what percentage of smokers get lung cancer

11 months ago 22

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lung cancer develops in around 10 to 20 percent of all smokers. However, the risk varies by sex, smoking status, and smoking history. A study published in PubMed found that 172 out of 1,000 male current smokers will eventually develop lung cancer, while the similar probability among female current smokers was 116 out of 1,000. The lifetime risk of developing lung cancer is substantially reduced for those who never smoked on a regular basis. Only 13 out of 1,000 males and 14 out of 1,000 females in this category will develop lung cancer. It is important to note that smoking is considered the number one risk factor for lung cancer, and cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths in the United States.