what repels moths

11 months ago 25

There are several natural ways to repel moths, including:

  • Cedar: Moths and other insects are repelled by the pheromones in cedar. You can fill your home with cedar, use cedar oil in a spray bottle diluted with water, or use a diffuser that can spread the scent of cedar.

  • Herbs: Several fragrant herbs repel moths, including rosemary, thyme, cloves, lavender, and bay leaves. You can place the herbs in a small bag in cupboards or drawers, or spray the essential oil into high-risk areas.

  • Sticky traps: You can use sticky traps covered with moth pheromones to attract moths and get them stuck to the surface. Once they’re stuck, they can’t escape, and they eventually die.

  • Vacuuming and cleaning: Keeping your floors, carpets, and moldings vacuumed and dusted can help keep your home free of dust and dirt, which can draw moths into your home. Be sure to empty vacuum contents and wash dusting cloths regularly so that eggs and larvae don’t grow and develop.

  • Freezing: If you have clothes or belongings that show signs of moths, you can freeze them to kill the moths. Keep these items in the freezer for at least 72 hours to ensure that all stages of the moth life cycle are killed.

  • Moth deterrents: You can use natural moth deterrents like sachets filled with herbs, chewing gum, or natural moth sprays to keep moths away.

Overall, using a combination of these methods can help repel moths and prevent an infestation in your home.