what shots do dogs need yearly

11 months ago 21

The vaccinations that dogs need yearly depend on various factors such as age, lifestyle, and location. However, there are some core vaccines that are recommended for all dogs. Here is a list of the core vaccines that adult dogs should receive yearly:

  • Rabies booster one year after the first vaccination and every three years thereafter
  • DHPP (distemper/adenovirus/parainfluenza/hepatitis) booster one year after the last puppy series
  • DHPP booster at two years of age
  • DHPP booster in three-year intervals thereafter

In addition to these core vaccines, dogs with extensive exposure to other dogs (boarding, grooming, outdoor or free-roaming dogs) should receive an initial vaccine against kennel cough and then annual boosters (good for one year) . It is also recommended that dogs exposed to lakes and rivers when hunting, camping or hiking be vaccinated against leptospirosis every six months. However, the vaccination schedule may vary depending on the veterinarians recommendation and the dogs individual needs. It is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your dog.