what should a hiker do if they encounter a grizzly bear

11 months ago 22

If a hiker encounters a grizzly bear, they should follow these guidelines to stay safe:

  1. Stay calm and avoid sudden movements. Do not run away, as this can trigger a chase response from the bear.
  2. Make yourself look as large as possible by moving to higher ground or waving your arms.
  3. Speak in a low, monotone voice to identify yourself as human.
  4. Do not scream or yell at the bear, as this can be perceived as threatening.
  5. Back away slowly in the opposite direction, keeping your eyes on the bear.
  6. If the bear charges, use bear spray if you have it, aiming for the bears face.
  7. If the bear makes contact with you, fight back with anything at hand, such as a knife, stick, rock, or backpack.

It is important to note that grizzly bears are generally not aggressive towards humans and will usually avoid them if they hear them coming. Hikers should also make noise while hiking in grizzly bear country to avoid surprising them.