what sign is march 17

11 months ago 28

March 17 is a date, not a zodiac sign. However, people born on March 17 are Pisces, which is the zodiac sign for those born between February 19 and March 20. Pisces are known for being compassionate, romantic, artistic, empathic, and sensitive. Those born on March 17 are said to have a hard edge of reality, even though they are sensitive. They are often talented and can see the practical side of life. They require a lot of calcium and iron in their diet and are naturally slim. They may have concerns about an inherited condition such as arthritis. March 17 people must follow the dictates of their heart in making career choices. They have a need to play out their innermost fantasies through their work. Financial security is a serious matter to them. These individuals want their loved ones to have the comforts of life. Pisces natives might be feeling creative and inspired on March 17, 2023. It could be a good day to pursue a new profession or showcase their talents.