what size crochet hook for chunky wool

11 months ago 20

The size of the crochet hook for chunky wool depends on the yarn weight. The thicker the yarn, the larger the hook size you will need to use with it. Here are some recommended hook sizes for chunky yarns:

  • 6-7mm
  • 7.00 mm, (L) 8.00 mm, (M/N) 9.00 mm

Its important to check the recommended hook size for the specific yarn you are using, as not all yarns of the same weight will have the same recommended hook size. Although yarn manufacturers give you a recommended hook size for every yarn, this isn’t set in stone. Using a larger hook size than suggested will give you looser, more open stitches, as well as making your finished crochet piece larger. Using a smaller hook size will give you tighter, denser stitches, and your finished piece will end up being smaller.