what stops snoring

11 months ago 24

Snoring can be reduced or eliminated by making lifestyle changes, using devices, or seeking medical treatment. Here are some ways to stop snoring:

  1. Sleep position: Sleeping on your side instead of your back can help reduce snoring.

  2. Weight loss: Losing weight can help reduce snoring, especially if you are overweight or obese.

  3. Nasal strips and dilators: These devices can improve airflow and reduce snoring. They are available over-the-counter and can be relatively inexpensive.

  4. Mouthpieces: Anti-snoring mouthpieces are a form of mouthguard sold over-the-counter, and they generally come in two varieties. They can take more getting used to than nasal strips since they are larger and sit in the mouth all night.

  5. Avoiding alcohol and sedatives: Alcohol and sedatives can cause muscles such as your throat muscles to relax, leading to snoring. Avoiding them before bed may ease your snoring.

  6. Treating nasal congestion: Blocked airways, a stuffy nose, or a deviated septum can make inhalation difficult and create a vacuum in the throat, leading to snoring. Treating nasal congestion can help reduce snoring.

  7. CPAP machine: A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine delivers just enough air pressure to a mask to keep the upper airway passages open, preventing snoring and sleep apnea. It is used to treat sleep apnea, which can cause snoring.

It is important to approach weight loss in a healthy way and to consult a doctor if you cannot reduce snoring on your own or if you have other sleep apnea symptoms. Additionally, use caution before self-treating with over-the-counter sprays and pills until youve checked with your doctor.