what to do for burned fingers

10 months ago 24

If you have burned fingers, there are several things you can do to treat them at home. Here are some tips from reputable sources:

  • Cool the burn: Immediately immerse the burned area in cool tap water or apply cold, wet compresses for about 10 minutes or until the pain subsides. Do not use ice, iced water, or any creams or greasy substances like butter, as these may cause further damage.

  • Remove tight items: If the burned area swells, remove tight items, such as rings or clothing, from the burned area as quickly as possible.

  • Dont break blisters: Do not break a blister if its bigger than your little fingernail. If the blister does break, clean it with mild soap and water. Apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover the area with a bandage or gauze.

  • Apply lotion: Applying moisturizer, aloe vera gel, or other pain relief gels may provide temporary relief. Do not apply ointments, toothpaste, or butter to the burn, as these may cause an infection.

  • Cover the burn: Keep the wound covered with a loose dressing to help it stay clean and decrease pain.

  • Take over-the-counter pain medication: Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help relieve the pain and reduce inflammation.

  • Protect the area from the sun: Once the burn heals, protect the area from the sun by seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, or applying a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. This will help minimize scarring, as the redness from a burn sometimes persists for weeks, especially in those with darker skin tones.

If your burn is more severe, covers a large area, or shows signs of infection, seek medical attention immediately.