what to do with an injured pigeon

1 year ago 123

If you find an injured pigeon, there are several steps you can take to help it:

  1. Observe the pigeon closely to determine how hurt it is before deciding what to do.
  2. If the bird is gasping, shaking, bleeding, or vomiting, take it to an avian veterinarian immediately.
  3. If the pigeon is feral, contact a local wildlife hospital or rehabilitator that takes wild pigeons.
  4. If the injured pigeon is domestic, take it to a local avian veterinarian or humane society that treats pigeons.
  5. Another option is to walk behind the pigeon slowly and herd it through an open door inside where it can be more easily cornered and caught. In some situations, you may be able to use a net, provided it is large enough to capture the pigeon.
  6. Get the pigeon into a safe, warm enclosure. Place it gently in a box, cage, or pet carrier with a soft cloth or paper towels on the bottom.
  7. Place the cage in a warm, dark area to calm the bird.
  8. Offer the pigeon a diet of seeds, grains, berries, and some insects.

It is important to note that you should not attempt to care for the pigeon yourself unless you have experience with bird care. The Humane Society recommends contacting the closest licensed wildlife rehabilitation center in your area. If you have trouble helping the pigeon, seek help at a local animal shelter or wildlife rescue organization.