what to do with conkers

1 year ago 57

There are numerous creative and fun ways to use conkers in various activities and decorations. Some ideas include:

  1. Home decor : Use conkers in autumn wreaths, heart wreaths, or natural baskets filled with conkers, pinecones, and acorns
  1. Conker painting : Place a piece of paper at the bottom of a cardboard box and squeeze a few blobs of brightly-colored paint on the paper
  1. Conker crafts : Make a conker person by choosing a big conker for the body, a medium one for the head, and two small ones for the feet. Use sticks to add legs, arms, and a neck, and top it off with a conker case hat or paint on a face
  1. Counting and numeracy : Use conkers as a tool for practicing counting and numeracy
  1. Good luck charm : Wearing a conker on a necklace is said to bring good luck to the wearer
  1. Boules : Mark your boules with acrylic paint, go outside, and set up some boundary lines for a game of boules
  1. Science experiments : Throw conkers into a bonfire to see them explode due to the build-up of steam, or pierce them to release the steam more easily
  1. Friendship bracelet : Decorate and string conkers before offering them to your friends
  1. Keep spiders away : Place a few strategically placed bowls of conkers to deter spiders
  1. Education : Learn all about conkers, also known as Horse Chestnuts, and their history in the UK

Remember to soak conkers in vinegar before using them for any of these activities to prevent any unpleasant smells