what to do with etrog after sukkot

11 months ago 22

After Sukkot, there are several things you can do with your etrog instead of throwing it away. Here are some ideas:

  1. Compost it: Turn your etrog into plant food by composting it. You can bury it in the ground or use other composting methods.

  2. Create an etrog garland: Slice and dry the etrog, then string the pieces into a garland. You can use it as decor for next years sukkah.

  3. Make etrog jam: You can use the etrog in place of a lemon in several recipes, including fruit preserves. You can add some etrog juice to bring a hint of citrus to strawberry, orange, or even apple preserves.

  4. Plant the seeds: Remove the seeds from your etrog, wash them, and plant them in a well-drained potting mix. Keep the plants warm and moist, and repot when necessary. In about four or five years, you may have your own home-grown etrog to use on Sukkot.

  5. Use it as a fragrance: You can add a few drops of etrog oil to a bath or fill a spray bottle with water and a few drops of the oil for a pleasant air freshener. You can also pierce the skin of the fruit and fill the holes with dried cloves, covering the etrog completely. As the etrog dries, it releases a wonderful scent, and the whole fruit may be used as a “spice box” for the Havdalah ceremony to mark the end of the Sabbath.