what to expect the second year

11 months ago 27

The second year of a childs life is full of exciting milestones and changes. Here are some things to expect during this time:

  • Physical Development: By the end of their second year, most toddlers will be walking without help and running around. They will also start to develop fine motor skills, such as scribbling and eating with utensils.

  • Social Development: Toddlers will become more interested in the company of other children and may start to play with friends. They will also start to develop their own personalities and preferences.

  • Language Development: Toddlers will continue to develop their language skills and will start to use more words and phrases. They may also start to understand simple instructions and questions.

  • Behavioral Changes: Toddlers may start to experience temper tantrums and other challenging behaviors as they assert their independence. They may also start to show signs of potty training readiness.

  • Feeding: Toddlers may become pickier eaters and may start to assert their preferences for certain foods. Its important to continue offering a variety of healthy foods and to avoid pressuring them to eat.

Overall, the second year of a childs life is a time of rapid growth and development. Its important to provide a safe and nurturing environment and to seek guidance from healthcare professionals if you have any concerns about your childs development.