what to feed wild ducks

11 months ago 21

Feeding wild ducks can be a fun activity, but its important to do it responsibly. Here are some dos and donts of feeding ducks:


  • Feed ducks cracked corn, oats, rice, birdseed, frozen peas, chopped lettuce, or sliced grapes.
  • If feeding ducks regularly, consider getting food that has been specifically formulated for waterfowl, such as Mazuri waterfowl maintenance feed or Natural Waterscapes waterfowl feed.
  • Clean up after yourself and dispose of all trash, including plastic wrappers, twist ties, and uneaten food.


  • Feed ducks bread, chips, white bread, cookies, donuts, cereal, popcorn, or other junk food scraps.
  • Leave uneaten food lying around, as leftover food in the water can rot and cause deadly algae blooms that affect local wildlife.
  • Overfeed the ducks, as it can lead to malnutrition and painful deformities if consumed too much.

Its important to note that the best thing to feed wild ducks is nothing, as they are able to survive nicely on various pondweeds and other aquatic plants, insects, mollusks, fish eggs, and even small fish and amphibians such as frogs. Feeding ducks can also lead to overcrowding and abnormal nesting behavior during the spring breeding season. If you do choose to feed ducks, make sure to do it responsibly and with their health in mind.