what to take to an interview

11 months ago 26

When going to a job interview, it is important to bring the necessary items to help you feel confident and prepared. Here are some common items to bring to a job interview based on the search results:

  • Copies of your resume: Bring at least two copies of your resume.
  • Pen and paper: Bring a pen and notepad to take notes during the interview.
  • Pre-written questions for your interviewers: Prepare some questions to ask your interviewers.
  • A list of references: Bring a list of references.
  • Your portfolio or creative samples: Bring your portfolio or creative samples if the job requires it.
  • Breath mints or floss: Bring breath mints or floss to freshen up before the interview.
  • A briefcase or bag: Bring a briefcase or bag to carry your items.
  • Folder: Bring a folder to keep your documents organized.
  • Business cards: Bring business cards if you have them.
  • Well-prepared answers: Prepare well for the interview by researching the company and practicing your answers to common interview questions.

It is also important to dress appropriately for the interview and to arrive on time. Avoid bringing anything that could potentially distract you or the interviewer, such as chewing gum, food, or drinks. Finally, put your phone on silent or leave it in your car.