what was marie antoinette known for

1 year ago 81

Marie Antoinette was the queen consort of King Louis XVI of France from 1774 to 1793. She is associated with the decline of the French monarchy and is known for her lavish lifestyle, which scandalized society during a tumultuous era that ultimately led to the French Revolution. Her alleged remark "Let them eat cake" has been cited as showing her obliviousness to the suffering of the French people. However, her courtly extravagance was but a minor cause of the financial disorders of the French state in that period. Marie Antoinette was born in Vienna in 1755 and was the daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Habsburg Empress Maria Theresa. She was married to Louis XVI at the age of 14. Despite her reputation, Marie Antoinette was also known for her musical talent and support of composers she appreciated, like Grétry, Gluck, and Sacchini. Her ambiguous attitude at the outbreak of the French Revolution accelerated her tragic demise, and she was imprisoned and executed in 1793.