what was new nationalism

11 months ago 20

The New Nationalism was a political philosophy of Theodore Roosevelt, which called for active federal intervention to promote social justice and the economic welfare of the underprivileged. Roosevelt used the phrase "New Nationalism" in a 1910 speech in which he attempted to reconcile the liberal and conservative wings of the Republican Party. The precepts of the New Nationalism were strongly influenced by Herbert Crolys The Promise of American Life (1910) . Roosevelts program called for a great increase of federal power to regulate interstate industry and a sweeping program of social reform designed to put human rights above property rights. The New Nationalism regarded the executive power as the steward of the public welfare and demanded of the judiciary that it be interested primarily in human welfare. The ideas behind the New Nationalism required involvement by the national government in many areas of American life, which was a total rejection of laissez-faire government. Roosevelts New Nationalism went down to defeat before Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson and his New Freedom in the election of November 1912.