метрогил дента review

1 year ago 129

Metrology is the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field

. In the context of food and nutrition, metrology is essential for ensuring food integrity and quality. Metrological approaches are used to characterize reference materials, which are tested for stability and reference or information values for the properties under study

. These values are ideally generated by reference methods with superior accuracy and/or reference standards

. Some key aspects of metrology in food and nutrition include:

  • Reference Materials : These are materials tested for stability and reference or information values for the properties under study, such as concentration of solutes in solution, sugar, salt, and even automotive fluids
  • Metrology Institutes : Organizations like the European Metrological Infrastructure, National Metrology Institutes, and Standardization Bodies play a crucial role in coordinating, integrating, and synergizing efforts in applied metrology, particularly in food and nutrition
  • Collaboration : Metrology institutes should increase their efforts to disseminate their resources and collaborate with other organizations, such as the European Medicines Agency, AOAC International, and the U.S. FDA, to address quality and safety problems in dietary supplements and natural health products
  • Measurement Equipment : Appropriate selection of measurement equipment, such as electronic top-loading scales, refractometers, pH meters, thermometers, and weighing instruments, is essential for the development and manufacturing of efficient and timely food products

In summary, metrology plays a vital role in ensuring food integrity and quality by providing accurate and compatible measurements in various aspects of food and nutrition. Reference materials, metrology institutes, and collaboration among organizations are crucial for addressing quality and safety issues in food products.