clean shaven vs beard review

1 year ago 94

Clean shaving and having a beard both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of each: Clean Shaving: Pros:

  • Less maintenance: Shaving involves one process, which becomes your everyday routine
  • Acceptable everywhere: You don't have to worry about others judging you for not having a beard
  • More attractive: A clean face may be perceived as more professional and attractive
  • Easier to eat: Food and drinks won't get stuck in facial hair, making it easier to eat without making a mess


  • Irritation: Constant shaving and improper technique can cause pain, redness, and ingrown hairs
  • High maintenance: Shaving requires regular grooming and proper technique to avoid irritation

Beard: Pros:

  • More attractive: According to a study, women perceived men with facial hair as more attractive compared to those without
  • Perceived as more generous, caring, and cheerful: People perceive men with beards as less generous, caring, and cheerful than those without facial hair
  • Can look as great if properly groomed: A well-groomed beard can look attractive and stylish


  • Higher maintenance: Growing a beard requires more care and attention, including washing, conditioning, and trimming
  • Can get in the way: Facial hair can get messy and interfere with eating certain foods or drinks

Ultimately, the choice between a clean shaven look or a beard depends on personal preference and individual factors. Regardless of the style you choose, it's essential to use the best grooming products for your skin type and maintain proper grooming habits for the best results