diet of hope review

11 months ago 41

The Diet of Hope program is a balanced, nutritious, low-carbohydrate, portion-controlled diet that provides sufficient protein, good fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Refined carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals, and rice are avoided.

Functional Formularies Nourish is a whole food product that contains 14 ingredients rich in polyphenolics and phytonutrients, with no added sugar or artificial ingredients.

The Positive Pranic (Sattvic) Diet is centered around foods that promote a sense of balance and well-being, and is rooted in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine that believes food can affect not only our physical health but also our mental and emotional states. Positive Pranic (Sattvic) foods include fruits, vegetables, and berries.

Weight-loss dietary supplements can contain dozens of ingredients, including botanicals, dietary fiber, caffeine, and minerals. However, because ingredients might not be standardized and many products contain proprietary blends of ingredients, the active compounds and their amounts might not be comparable among products. Table 1 in the source provides a summary of the safety and efficacy of the most common ingredients of weight-loss dietary supplements.