Glycerin, also known as glycerol, is a naturally occurring alcohol compound found in all animal, plant, and human tissues, including the skin and blood. It is used in a wide range of personal care products due to its high moisturizing, occlusive, emollient, and humectant properties. Here are some details about glycerin:
- High moisturizing properties
- Occlusive, which means it protects the skin from external aggressions
- Emollient, which means it smooths the skin and hair
- Humectant, which means it allows a product to retain moisture
- Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in food packaging
- Approved direct and indirect food additive by the FDA
- Listed on the EU’s Inventory of Cosmetic Ingredients (CosIng) and is not restricted in any way
- Can be irritating to the skin
- Can be harmful if ingested or inhaled
Ingredients or materials:
- Glycerin is a naturally occurring alcohol compound and a component of many lipids
- Glycerin may be of animal or vegetable origin
- Glycerin can be a byproduct of soap manufacture which typically uses animal fat