jojoba oil vs argan oil review

11 months ago 37

Jojoba oil and argan oil are both premium priced oils that are environmentally-conscious and dont rely on toxic chemicals to thrive. They are both dry oils that absorb quickly and dont leave the skin feeling greasy. Both oils have antibacterial properties that make them beneficial for treating different kinds of skin infections.

Jojoba Oil

  • More moisturizing and lighter in texture than argan oil
  • Has a natural SPF factor of 4
  • Contains less oleic acid and linoleic acid than argan oil
  • More stable than argan oil due to its higher concentration of wax esters
  • Can clog pores in some people

Argan Oil

  • Richer in fatty acids than jojoba oil
  • Has more vitamin E than jojoba oil
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Great for combating dry skin
  • Does not clog pores
  • Lacks SPF

Ultimately, the choice between the two oils depends on individual preferences and skin/hair type.