moist 1 review

11 months ago 25

I will provide details on moisturizers, ingredients, and materials based on the search results.

Moisturizers are products that help keep the skin moist by adding or keeping oils and water in the skin. They usually have many ingredients that work together to achieve this goal. The three main groups of moisturizer ingredients are:

  • Occlusive agents: These create a physical, protective film on the skin that keeps water in. Examples include petroleum jelly, oils (like mineral oil or coconut oil), and waxes (like beeswax) .

  • Emollients: These soften and smooth the skin by filling in the spaces between skin cells. Examples include lanolin, shea butter, and cocoa butter.

  • Humectants: These attract water to the skin and help keep it there. Examples include glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and urea.

Some ingredients in moisturizers may cause skin dryness, such as triethanolamine, an ingredient sometimes added to skin moisturizers to make them less acidic.

When it comes to personal care products, it is important to be aware of the ingredients they contain. Some chemicals used in cosmetics and personal care products may be harmful to human health. For example, PEGs are chemicals used to thicken liquid hand soaps, makeup foundations, and creams, but they can also enhance the absorption of other chemicals. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) is another common preservative used in personal care products that contain oils or fats, such as lipsticks, eyeliners, and moisturizers.

To avoid harmful chemicals in personal care products, consumers can scrutinize the ingredients in a product more closely, especially in products that stay on the skin for long periods of time. Apps like the Environmental Working Group and Think Dirty can help consumers search for a product by name or barcode to find ingredients of concern and provide a score based on the number of hazards linked to various chemicals.