vello vital serum review

11 months ago 23

Vello Vital Serum is a hair care product that is designed to combat hair loss, restore vitality, and accelerate hair growth. It is mainly composed of active ingredients derived from the biomimetics of the first mothers milk. The serum consists mainly of grouping biometric stimulants of breast milk that increase cellular energy and protect follicular fibroblasts against oxidative stress, fighting hair loss, stimulating growth and regaining its healthy and strong appearance. The Vital Serum increases the oxygenation of the scalp, nourishes and strengthens hair health, and can reverse the process of hair loss when applied locally. It is ideal for women and men who want to energize, revitalize, oxygenate the cells, nourish and strengthen their hair health.

Positive aspects of Vello Vital Serum:

  • Can combat hair loss
  • Restores vitality to hair
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Increases cellular energy
  • Protects follicular fibroblasts against oxidative stress
  • Nourishes and strengthens hair health

Negative aspects of Vello Vital Serum:

  • No negative aspects were found in the search results.

Ingredients or materials in Vello Vital Serum:

  • Active ingredients derived from the biomimetics of the first mothers milk
  • Biometric stimulants of breast milk that increase cellular energy and protect follicular fibroblasts against oxidative stress
  • Other ingredients were not specified in the search results.

It is important to note that the expected growth of hair may take at least 2 months of application of the vital serum applying 2 times a day to notice the expected growth of the hair.