what are 0800 numbers

11 months ago 22

0800 numbers are special telephone numbers in the United Kingdom that are free to call from UK landlines and mobile phones. The number 0800 is followed by six or seven digits. They are part of a group of "freephone" numbers that are non-geographic numbers, toll-free, and used mainly by businesses. Here are some key features of 0800 numbers:

  • Free to call: Calls to 0800 numbers are free from all landlines and mobiles.

  • Marketing tool: 0800 numbers are recognised as consumer-friendly, therefore, more likely to be rung than other non-geographic numbers. Having an 0800 number also allows businesses to market their services outside their immediate locality. 0800 numbers indicate a national presence, so they aren’t tied to any region.

  • Route to any number: 0800 numbers can be routed to any number, so businesses can use them to direct calls to different departments or locations.

Overall, 0800 numbers are a valuable asset for any business, large or small. By providing a free way for customers to contact them, and by appearing more professional, an 0800 number can help businesses to win new business and build trust and credibility with potential customers.