what are 20 items in a emergency kit

11 months ago 31

An emergency kit is an essential tool that can help you navigate unexpected crises such as natural disasters, power outages, or other emergency situations. Here are 20 items that should be in your emergency kit to ensure you’re ready for pretty much anything:

  1. Water
  2. Non-perishable Emergency Food
  3. Manual Can Opener
  4. First Aid Kit
  5. Prescription Medications
  6. Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio
  7. Sanitation & Personal Hygiene Items
  8. Important Documents
  9. Cash
  10. Flashlights
  11. Extra Batteries
  12. Whistle
  13. Dust Masks
  14. Plastic Sheeting
  15. Duct Tape
  16. Garbage Bags
  17. Work Gloves
  18. Multi-Tool
  19. Emergency Blankets
  20. Maps

Its important to note that emergency kits can be designed to hold various inventories, and if you have room, you can consider adding extra items such as plastic ties, plastic bins, paper towels, and paper napkins. Other sources also suggest including cell phones with chargers, special needs of children, older adults, and persons with disabilities, and pet food. In addition, its important to customize your emergency kit based on your specific needs and situation.