what are obsessive thoughts

11 months ago 25

Obsessive thoughts are unwelcome, involuntary thoughts, images, or unpleasant ideas that may become an obsession, are upsetting or distressing, and can feel difficult to manage or eliminate. They are often associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder, other anxiety disorders, eating disorders, or psychosis. Obsessive thoughts may involve violent obsessions about hurting others or themselves, and they can be related to primarily obsessional obsessive-compulsive disorder. These thoughts can include harming a child, jumping from a bridge, mountain, or the top of a tall building, urges to jump in front of a train or automobile, and urges to push another in front of a train or automobile. Obsessions are repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that are intrusive, unwanted, and make most people anxious. They can have themes such as fear of germs or contamination, fear of forgetting, losing, or misplacing something, fear of losing control over one’s behavior, aggressive thoughts toward others or oneself, unwanted, forbidden, or taboo thoughts involving sex, religion, or harm, and a desire to have things symmetrical or in perfect order. Compulsions are repetitive behaviors a person feels the urge to do, often in response to an obsession. Common compulsions include excessive cleaning or handwashing, ordering or arranging items in a particular, precise way, repeatedly checking things, such as that the door is locked or the oven is off, compulsive counting, and praying or repeating words silently.