what are the tributaries of indus river

11 months ago 21

The Indus River has several tributaries that contribute to its flow. The main tributaries of the Indus River form the Indus River System, which includes Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Satluj. The Indus River System is one of the longest river systems in the subcontinent, measuring a total of 2900 km. The Indus River System is also one of the most important suppliers of water resources to the Punjab and Sindh plains, forming the backbone of agriculture and food production in Pakistan. The left-bank tributaries of the Indus River include Zaskar River, Suru River, Soan River, Jhelum River, Chenab River, Ravi River, Beas River, Satluj River, and Panjnad River. The principal right-bank tributaries of the Indus River are the Shyok, Gilgit, Kabul, Kurram, and Gomal rivers.