what can i use to stop periods immediately

11 months ago 26

It is not possible to stop your period immediately once it has started. However, there are ways to delay or reduce the flow of your period. Here are some safe and effective methods to discuss with your doctor:

  1. Birth control pills: These pills are widely used to prevent pregnancy and can be used to delay your period by skipping the inactive pills and taking the active pills from a new pack. If you dont want to have periods, you should consider a method that is continuous progesterone like a hormone-containing IUD.

  2. Vaginal rings and patches: These methods deliver 21 days of hormones. You receive those hormones either through a patch that’s placed on your stomach and changed weekly or a plastic ring that’s inserted into your vagina for three weeks.

  3. Progesterone pill: Taking a progesterone pill may stop your period for a one-off event.

  4. Intrauterine devices (IUDs): IUDs, such as the Mirena, may also reduce or prevent periods in some people.

  5. Ibuprofen: Ibuprofen can help with pain and cramping associated with a period. It may also help reduce blood loss.

  6. Heat therapy: Try using heating pads, warm baths, hot water bottles, or heat wraps to apply the heat. There are no studies indicating heat can slow bleeding. However, a reduction in pain may make the period more manageable.

It is important to note that none of these methods can stop a period once it has started, and there is a chance of breakthrough bleeding. If you want to delay or stop your period permanently, it is best to speak to your gynecologist so that he or she can advise you the best way to do so.