what did john locke do

11 months ago 34

John Locke was an English philosopher, physician, and Oxford academic who lived from 1632 to 1704. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers and is commonly known as the "father of liberalism". Lockes works lie at the foundation of modern philosophical empiricism and political liberalism, classical liberalism in particular. His ideas influenced the European Enlightenment and the Constitution of the United States.

Lockes most famous works include "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" and "Two Treatises of Government". In "Two Treatises of Government," he defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims of divine right of kings. He laid out his positive theory of government, which includes the idea that the power to punish is transferred to the government. Locke believed that the legislative power should contain an assembly of elected representatives.

Lockes ideas also included natural law, social contract, religious toleration, and freedom of conscience. He believed that the rulers job is to be responsible for the care of the community and to preserve the public good and keep the people in peace.

Lockes work greatly affected the development of epistemology and political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, among others.