what do the dead sea scrolls prove

11 months ago 24

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of manuscripts that were hidden in caves in Israel in a place called Qumran. They were composed from 150 B.C. to A.D. 68 when the Romans destroyed the settlement. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide evidence that the Bible is true and inerrant. They confirm that the “Holy Scriptures” have been preserved extraordinarily accurately for thousands of years. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide an objective confirmation of the authenticity of the Masoretic Text, which is the basis for our modern copies of the Old Testament. They contain fragments from every Old Testament book except Esther, and these manuscripts were one thousand years older than any previous manuscript which scholars used to reconstruct the New Testament text. The Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the Old Testament books found at Qumran were not changed since the time of Christ and that the prophecy in Isaiah definitely existed. Therefore, the Dead Sea Scrolls provide a reliable record and confidence in the modern scriptures we have.