what do you mean by hydrophily explain with example in hindi

11 months ago 22

Hydrophily is a type of pollination that occurs when pollen is distributed by the flow of water, particularly in rivers and streams. Hydrophilous species can be divided into two categories:

  • Surface pollination: In this type of hydrophily, pollen floats on the surface of the water and reaches the stigmas of the female flowers. Examples of plants that use surface pollination include Hydrilla, Callitriche, Ruppia, Zostera, and Elodea. In Vallisneria, the male flowers become detached and float on the surface of the water, bringing the anthers in contact with the stigmas of the female flowers.

  • Submerged pollination: In this type of hydrophily, the female flowers remain submerged in water, and pollen grains are released inside the water. Examples of plants that use submerged pollination include Najas, Posidonia australis, Zostera marina, and Hydrilla.

Hydrophily is a fairly uncommon form of pollination, and it is unique to obligate submersed aquatic plants.

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