what does burning sage do in a house

11 months ago 32

Burning sage is an ancient Native American practice that is still in use today to cleanse a space or environment of negative energy, to generate wisdom and clarity, and to promote healing, wisdom, and longevity. Here are some of the benefits of burning sage in a house:

  • Air purification: Sage smoke can clear up to 94% of airborne bacteria in a space and disinfect the air. This can be especially beneficial for people with respiratory conditions, although inhaling the smoke during the cleansing can aggravate any respiratory condition.

  • Spiritual tool: Burning sage has been used to connect to the spiritual realm or enhance intuition. It can also be used to cleanse people of negativity and promote healing, wisdom, and longevity.

  • Dispelling negative energy: Sage smoke is believed to release negative ions, which can help neutralize positive ions that are allergens like pet dander, pollution, dust, and mold. This can help dispel negative energy and create a sense of calm in your day-to-day life.

  • Improving odor, fragrance, and mood: Sage smoke can also be used for aromatherapy to improve odor, fragrance, and mood. Simply waft sage smoke in and around your home.

When burning sage, it is important to be respectful of the practice and to buy high-quality and ethically, legally sourced sage. It is also important to be careful with sage when it’s lit, as burns and even fire are possible. Have water nearby, never leave burning sage unattended, and make sure to put your sage bundle out completely after every use.