what happened to ezra bridger

1 year ago 101

Ezra Bridger, a central character in the animated series "Star Wars Rebels," disappeared from the galaxy before the Rebellion was won. He played a crucial role in the Lothal rebellion and the battle against Grand Admiral Thrawn. Heres a summary of what happened to Ezra Bridger:

  • In the final season of "Star Wars Rebels," Ezra sacrificed himself to ensure the success of the Lothal rebellion. He summoned a group of purrgil, massive space-dwelling creatures, to transport Thrawn and his ship into hyperspace and away to the Unknown Regions.

  • Prior to this, Ezra had confronted Thrawn on his ship, even facing temptation from Darth Sidious. The purrgil's intervention left no trace of Ezra or Thrawn, and the Grand Admiral was now missing.

  • Earlier in the series, Ezra had been captured by Agent Kallus but was able to open Kanan Jarrus' holocron and see a vision of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  • Although Ezra's ultimate fate remains unknown, his brave actions helped remove a major threat to the Rebellion, and he played a significant role in the events leading up to the original "Star Wars" trilogy.