what happens in a masonic temple

11 months ago 16

A Masonic Temple is a building where a Masonic Lodge meets. The temple can serve as a home to one or more Masonic Lodges and bodies, and it can also serve many other purposes as well. The interior of a Masonic Temple is often plain, more like an old town hall than a church, until you reach the first-floor temple, where all the ceremonies take place. Masonic Lodges most often meet once a month, and meetings usually last for 2-3 hours. During the meetings, the Lodge conducts routine business, elects new members, and conducts ancient rituals, which might include initiating candidates, raising members to higher degrees, or installing a new master and his officers. All this is done in a formal ceremony that is centuries old and is designed to teach Freemasons important lessons and start them thinking about their own nature, actions, and being. The teachings of Freemasonry are strongly allegorical and make extensive use of emblematic symbols. After the Lodge meetings, members usually have a meal called the "festive board," which gives them a chance to unwind and get to know each other in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.