what is a catastrophic injury

11 months ago 20

A catastrophic injury is a severe injury to the spine, spinal cord, or brain, and may also include skull or spinal fractures. It is a physical injury or illness that is regarded as extreme or particularly serious, has a considerable impact on the victim of the injury or illness, and needs a considerable amount of medical treatment. Catastrophic injuries may not always be permanent, but take months or years to heal. The effects of such injuries may be long-lasting, both physically and emotionally. Catastrophic injuries are classified based on the three outcomes associated with them: fatality, those causing permanent severe functional disability, and those causing severe head or neck trauma with no permanent disability. Examples of catastrophic injuries include brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations, severe burns, multiple bone fractures, organ damage, and loss of hearing or sight. Catastrophic injuries can be caused by many factors, mainly accidents that cause physical trauma, such as automobile accidents, motorcycle accidents, accidents in the workplace, defective products, toxic substances, birth injuries, and injuries due to fire or other disasters. Survivors of catastrophic injury may also have catastrophic facial injuries, such as fractured facial bones, particularly those from events associated with ice hockey, cycling, and snowmobiling. A person who has suffered a catastrophic injury may be awarded damages for the losses incurred, including medical costs, lost wages, loss of future income, and pain and suffering.