what is a citizen

1 year ago 98

A citizen is a person who is recognized by a state or government as a member of a nation, state, or political community. The concept of citizenship varies across different countries, but it generally involves the following elements:

  • Allegiance to a government: A citizen owes allegiance to the government of the country they belong to.
  • Legal rights and duties: Citizenship entails specific legal rights and responsibilities, which may include civil, political, and social rights.
  • Protection from the government: Citizens are entitled to protection from the government they belong to.
  • Membership in a community: Citizenship is often used as a synonym for nationality and represents membership in a community.
  • Inhabitant of a city or town: In a broader sense, a citizen can also refer to an inhabitant of a city or town, especially one entitled to the rights and privileges of a freeman.
  • Participatory member of a political community: A citizen is a participatory member of a political community, which may involve social inclusion or exclusion.

The term "citizen" can be applied at both the national and subnational levels, with subnational entities imposing their own requirements for citizenship, such as residency.