what is a packing list

11 months ago 25

A packing list is a document used in international trade that itemizes the contents of each package, including weights, measurements, and detailed lists of the goods in each package. It is an indispensable tool for ensuring the identification of packages being shipped with the help of coding and details of the packages’ weight, volume, or number of packages. The packing list should be included in the carton or package and can be attached to the outside of a package with a copy inside. This document is used by freight forwarders to determine weights and freight costs and is also used by U.S. and/or foreign customs officials to check the contents of a specific package or carton. A packing list typically includes a description, quantity, and weight for each item in a package, but it does not include the prices of the items being delivered. It is prepared by the seller, which includes it in the package or attaches it to the outside of the package in an adhesive pouch. While a packing list is not a legal requirement for many customs authorities, it is an important document in the export process and is strongly recommended to include with all domestic or international shipments.