what is a psw in healthcare

11 months ago 25

A Personal Support Worker (PSW) is a healthcare professional who provides care to people who are ill, elderly, or need help with daily tasks. They are typically involved in both personal care tasks and incidental activities of daily living such as housekeeping, meal preparation, socialization, and companionship. PSWs can work in a variety of settings, including long-term care facilities, hospitals, and clients homes. They may also be self-employed and provide their services on a contract basis. Some of the duties of a PSW may include assisting in personal hygiene, bathing, dressing, undressing, toileting, and ambulation, administering medication or reminding clients to take them, planning and preparing meals, feeding, changing non-sterile dressings, and collecting specimens. PSWs are considered an entry-level position in the healthcare field as it does not require a lot of training. However, they need to communicate effectively with clients and their families, take notes and write reports about their clients, and read instructions about their clients medicine. The Ontario government is investing more in promoting the PSW profession, and the need for personal support workers is expected to double in the next 5 to 10 years.