what is a squire

11 months ago 25

A squire is a term that has evolved over time, but most commonly refers to a young boy in the Middle Ages who trained to become a knight. A squire was typically promoted to this rank at the age of 14, after having served as a page. The squire served a knight as an attendant, doing simple but important tasks such as saddling a horse or caring for the knights weapons and armor. The typical jobs of a squire included carrying the knights armor, shield, and sword, maintaining the knights equipment, scrubbing armor, taking care of the horse(s), replacing an injured or killed horse, guarding prisoners, accompanying the knight to tournaments and the battlefield, dressing the knight in armor, carrying the knights flag, protecting the knight, and ensuring an honorable burial of the knight if killed. In literature, the term squire is sometimes used, particularly in London and its environs, by men when addressing another man. Although historically used to a man perceived as being of higher social class, its modern usage is often ironic with friendly humorous intent due to it being something of an anachronism.